Tag Archives: alli

Common Types of Diet Pills

There are numerous varieties of diet pills, but the best ones depend on what one is trying to accomplish. Some of the most common types of diet pills include carbohydrate blockers, fat blockers and appetite suppressants.

Link Between Alli and Liver Damage

There is currently an FDA investigation under way to discover whether a common over-the-counter weight loss drug known as Alli can actually be linked to liver damage. The FDA does want to make it clear that while this drug is being studied and observed, it doesn’t mean that the Alli has actually been found guilty of posing a major health risk.

Best Diet Pills for Women

While it is not a golden rule, it is well known that it can be harder for women to lose weight when compared to men. There are a number of reasons that weight loss for men and women is different, including hormones and muscle mass. There are a few diet pills that work well for women, though not all address these issues.

Best Fat Blockers

Fat blockers are one of the most popular types of weight loss supplements. The best fat blockers are diet pills that contain either Chitosan or Orlistat as their primary ingredients.