Eating Healthy: Foods That Look Innocent, but Aren’t

eating healthy foodsWhen you’re trying to eat a healthy, nutritious diet and maintain a proper bodyweight, then the food choices that you make will have a large impact in your results. While some decisions can be very easy to make, there are others that can be quite challenging to understand. The worst, however, are the foods that disguise themselves as something innocent, but that are actually items that will hold you back from being able to reach your goals of eating healthy.

Many of the foods that are in virtually every kitchen seem as though they are perfectly normal and healthy, but they are actually landmines just waiting to explode and create a disaster within a healthy diet. The following are some of the most common foods that could be sabotaging your health, nutrition, and weight goals.

Take these off the menu if you want to make eating healthy a priority:

Canned foods – It may look as though you are making a good choice for yourself when you pick canned carrots and canned beets to add to your meal when it’s the day before you head to the supermarket and you’ve run out of fresh items, but there is a lot more in that can than you likely bargained for. Canned foods are typically very high in sodium. That is used as a preservative as well as to boost the flavor of the food. Eating healthy requires a person to eat sodium in moderation.

Choosing no salt added alternatives can help to reduce that problem, except that the lining in cans contains bisphenol-A (BPA), which has been linked with an increased risk of obesity and of cancer. Whenever possible, choose fresh foods and select frozen as an alternative. Canned foods should be a last resort and should be used primarily for emergency situations.

Salad dressing – Whether the dressing you choose is oil based, cream based, or even low-fat, those pre-made concoctions found in plastic and glass bottles are loaded with sodium, calories, sugars, and fats. The low fat versions typically have even higher sugar and sodium levels to make up for the lack of fat, so that they are not flavorless. Many experts feel that the lower fat alternatives are actually worse for you than the full fat counterparts. Ideally, though, you should have a touch of extra virgin olive oil with a bit of balsamic vinegar if you want to dress up your salad. That little bit of fat is actually good for you as it makes sure that you will be able to absorb all of the nutrients from within the vegetables, themselves.

Juices – Regardless of whether the juice you pick is green or from fruit, the result is a spiked blood sugar level. Even 100 percent fruit juices provide you with little benefit over sugar water. The majority of green juices are just fruit juices with a small amount of spirulina, kale, or spinach. Juicing eliminates the fiber from the fruit, meaning that your body can’t rely on it to keep your blood sugar under control. The result is that no matter how “healthy” the juice may seem, it can wreak havoc with your body in sugars and calories. It’s better to simply eat the fruits and vegetables whole so that you can get all of the nutrients and fibers that they contain.

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