Bio Synergy ActiVeman Focus

Bio Synergy ActiVeman Focus Review

Bio Synergy ActiVeman Focus is an over the counter weight loss supplement manufactured by a company in the United Kingdom called Bio Synergy. That company produces a range of different supplements in the athletic, weight loss and bodybuilding categories. In this case, the purpose of the pills is to help men to be able to lose weight through enhanced fat burning.

This product has been endorsed by a number of celebrities in the U.K. That said, it is important to note that this doesn’t necessarily mean that it is an effective diet pill. Instead, it is an indication of the size of the marketing budget that Bio Synergy has made available to the advertising of this pill.

At the time of the writing of this review, the ingredients listed in this supplement on the official website were: fish oil, flaxeed oil, sunflower seed oil, gelatin, glycerin, water and d-alpha tocopherol.

That same site also points out that these ingredients are high in EPA and DHA, which have been proven to support brain function and assist heart health, which it calls the “most important muscle”. It has identified Bio Synergy ActiVeman Focus as being a product meant for performance and endurance for athletes as well as people who are hoping to keep a healthy heart. That said, it is sold within the weight loss category of the site and is identified as a weight loss supplement on many other sites that sell this product, despite the fact that no direct claims are made, only suggestions of support and potential fat burning. No specific claims of any nature are made on any of the official sites or pages when it comes to this product.

In order to take this product, the directions recommend that three capsules be taken each day before eating. They should be swallowed whole with water.

That said, for healthy people who don’t have an allergy to any of the ingredients, it is unlikely that taking Bio Synergy ActiVeman Focus will cause any harm. It appears as though this could be a good source of omega oils and it has the potential for promoting the growth and strength of hair. There is some evidence that the ingredients in this product may be linked to healthy cholesterol levels.

Equally, there hasn’t been any solid scientific evidence published in peer reviewed medical journals which would suggest that these ingredients have been linked with weight loss.

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