Weight Loss Plateau Busting Snack Foods

weight loss plateau busting foodsA weight loss plateau can be one of the most discouraging parts of dieting. Week after week, it can feel like all your hard work isn’t leading to any benefits at all. This can make it hard to see any reason to continue with these efforts that can be inconvenient or even downright difficult to maintain.

A weight loss plateau can happen for a range of different reasons and there are many tips out there that can help you to break away from this phenomenon. Still, even if you’re drinking lots of water, getting as much sleep as you can and are meditating every day to try to get those stress levels under control, it can still feel as though you’re not getting ahead no matter what you do.

Fortunately, there are some fantastic snack foods that can not only satisfy a number of food cravings, but they can also help you to break away from your plateau and set you back on the right track with your weight loss. Consider the following foods to help you to not only enjoy your diet just a little bit more, but also to watch the numbers on the scale starting to slide back down again – as they should be.

Cherries – Cherries have a wonderful taste that can range from tart to sweet. A rule of thumb is that the darker the color of the cherry, the sweeter its flavor (and, conversely, the lighter the color, the more tart the flavor). These are great to eat on their own, but they also taste great when they’re sprinkled with cocoa. They’re low in calories, but high on taste and they can make you feel as though you’re enjoying a treat. These healthy snacks have been associated with cravings reduction, which can make it much easier for you to stay on track and get back to losing weight.
Dates – Another healthful snack that is a known craving buster is dates stuffed with almond butter. It feels as though it is a rich treat, despite its nutritional and weight loss benefits.
Hard boiled eggs – Add one to your breakfast in the morning and you will suddenly find that you feel satisfied by the meal for a much longer amount of time, despite the low calorie content. This helps you to make smarter snack choices mid-morning.
Yogurt – good quality, low fat yogurt (though skip the type that is artificially sweetened) can be great for satisfying a craving for something rich and sweet, it can provide you with a fuller feeling due to the protein it contains, and it is great for improving digestion through the bacterial cultures that it contains. This will help you with nutrition and regularity which are both very important to weight loss and sleep (which is also important to weight loss).

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